Monday, November 11, 2019


Located in Group 13 and Period 4 of the Periodic Table is the element. This is Gallium.
First discovered and first isolated by Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1875.

Low melting gallium alloys are used in some medical thermometers as non-toxic substitutes for mercury. Gallium arsenide is used in semiconductor production mainly for laser diodes, light-emitting diodes and solar panels. It is also used to create brilliant mirrors.

Gallium has one of the longest liquid temperature ranges of any metal, with a low vapor pressure even at high temperatures. The element has a strong tendency to supercool below its freezing point. Seeding is sometimes necessary to initiate solidification. Pure gallium metal has a silvery appearance.
Image result for difficulty breathing
Chest pain , Difficulty breathing
Some gallium compounds can actually be very dangerous, however. For example, acute exposure to gallium(III) chloride can cause throat irritation, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and its fumes can cause even very serious conditions such as pulmonary edema and partial paralysis.

Atomic number : 31
Name : Gallium
Latin Name : Gallia
Electrons per shell :
Discoverer : Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran
Iaolator : Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran
Element's : Atomic Mass : 69.723 u
: Density : 5904 kg/m³
: Type : Metal

Chemical properties : 

    Image result for gallium
  • Reactive element
  • Combines with most non-metals at high temperatures
  • Expands as it freezes
Physical properties :

  • Soft
  • Brittle
How Gallium got its name?
Gallium gets its name from the Latin word "Gallia" for "France"
in honor of its discoverer's home country.
Uses: production mainly for laser diodes, light-emitting diodes and
solar panels. It is also used to create brilliant mirrors.
How Gallium is discovered?
discovered in Paris by Paul-Emile lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1875. He
observed a new violet line in the atomic spectrum of some
zinc he had extracted from a sample of zinc
blende ore (ZnS) from the Pyreness . He knew it meant
that an unknown element was present.
How Gallium is isolated?
He isolated gallium by electrolysis of its hydroxide in
potassium hydroxide solution. By November of 1875,
Boisbaudran had isolated and purified the new metal and shown
that it was like aluminium . in December 1875, he announced it
to the French Academy of Sciences.
How Gallium is isolated today?
Today, most gallium is still extracted from this zinc mineral.
Isotopes : Gallium - 71, 69, 67 : Protons :31
                                        : Neutrons : 39
                                        : Electrons :31
( Half Life : 78.3 hours)
Gallium Fun facts:
Gallium has one of the longest liquid temperature ranges of any metal
Image result for galliumHealth effects:
Chest Pain
Difficulty breathing

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